Contact Information:

Phone: +1 (314) 709-0222


Han Li, MBA

EVP of Investor Relations & Strategy

Han Li is a firm believer that motivation, discipline, and always staying ahead are three of his key strengths exhibited throughout his educational and professional career. He also believes that it is important to develop skills that allow one’s self to learn effectively and efficiently by focusing on areas of individual interest. Han had developed a strong interest in math and engineering studies at a young age and placed these studies as priorities. With advancements, Han had completed engineering calculus I, II, III, programing, and other college level studies while attending high school, which allowed him to complete his bachelor’s degree in Engineering in just 2.5 years after high school graduation.

Equipped with strong quantitative and logical skills, Han’s bachelor’s degree has placed him in the energy industry. Han was actively involved in designing renewable energy generation systems and the electrical power grid. Later in his career, he became a senior energy consultant and supported financial institutions with making financial decisions on energy developments and investments. With his quantitative way of thinking, Han also found himself naturally interested in trading. This interest led to extensive learning and studying of the markets. Han has been actively and successfully trading markets such as stocks, stock options, index futures, and energy futures. His interest in finance also lead to his completion of MBA with 4.0 GPA. Han is also currently enrolled in the M.S. Cybersecurity program at Georgia Tech.

What attracted Han to GoldenCROFT & Rhino Onward International was its people and ambition. Han has known Paul Croft since Paul’s move to Chicago, and they have been close friends since. Han has seen Paul’s individual growth, which is strongly reflected in the companies’ growth. He believes that GoldenCROFT & Rhino Onward International have an energetic and ambitious team that want and has the ability to take the company to the next level. Han also believes that his ambition and strengths are strong assets to Golden CROFT & Rhino Onward International and will provide strong contributions to their success.