Solar Energy
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
ROI has a robust portfolio of in-house technology to convert solar energy into green electricity. CSP converts solar energy first into thermal energy, then mechanical, and then into electrical energy. A parabolic trough is the oldest and most used, central power tower cuts down on costs by removing an extensive piping network. Power Towers also achieve high concentration ratios along with parabolic dish technology which ranks among the most efficient in CSP. All three come with energy storage and can provide SOEC with free heat.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) offers a range of compelling benefits as a renewable energy technology. By concentrating sunlight onto a small area, CSP systems generate high temperatures, enabling efficient thermal energy storage. This stored energy can be dispatched as needed, providing a consistent and reliable power supply even during cloudy periods or at night. CSP plants are more suitable in the dry heat of a desert climate where PV has degraded performance - CSP thrives in the heat. CSP plants become viable over PV in large installations over 250 MW and high-heat climates where the sun is most potent.
At ROI, we use technology that is most efficient for the site location, applications solution, and our client’s needs. In essence, this allows us the ability to scale project sizes, increase energy output, and provide more reliable solutions.
Photovoltaic (PV)
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels work differently from CSP which converts solar energy into thermal energy and then into mechanical energy and then lastly into electrical energy. PV converts light energy directly into electric energy. The energy in light knocks the electrons in the solar panel loose, which generates a direct electric current (DC). When we combine numerous solar panel modules together we can generate large amounts of electric power.
We collect the DC power and convert it into alternating current (AC) via utility-scale inverters. Our PV solar plants can be used as standalone solar farms to sell to the local grid or to energize green hydrogen production.
25 years ago CSP dominated large-scale solar production (over 250 MW) due to efficiencies of scale and differences in cost. However, innovations in power electronics and material sciences have brought down the cost of PV, making it among the most cost-effective solar energy. The benefit of PV is we convert solar energy directly into electric energy, reducing the complexity of a solar farm.
ROI’s solar plants can be constructed in flexible modular designs which allow us to maximize the total land coverage by adapting to the shape and contours of our property.
Both CSP and PV have their own set of pros and cons and as mentioned above ROI will always choose the most efficient solution for our client’s energy needs.